Friday 28 October 2011

10 ways to tell he's not interested

10. He hasn't asked you out. Whether it's a date or a dinner party or even a birthday party, if he hasn't asked you but he's asked mutual friends then he is definitely not interested.

9. His friends don't ask you out either. I don't mean on a date, but his friends aren't going to ask you out for something if they know it's just going to make him feel awkward and uncomfortable. And they probably think you are a pathetic loser and laugh at you behind your back.

8. He doesn't answer your messages. Whether they be text messages or instant messages via the internet, if he is not answering or he's just giving you the absolute minimum answer required to a question you have asked, then he is not even interested in having a conversation with you, let alone anything else!

7. He told you he wasn't interested. Well he may not have said it just like that, but he may have said something along the lines of I'm not ready for a relationship, not looking for anything right now, I'm interested in so and so or even that he is already seeing someone, when he isn't. That's awkward.

6. He doesn't seem to want to talk to you. Obvious yeah? Well you're at a party, or a pub or anywhere really and he's busy talking to other people, including a group of 20 somethings, you are not on his radar, you are not even a bleep in his life, move on.

5. He physically faces away from you. This isn't as easy to notice as you would think. From the slight facing away while you have him cornered, to the obvious getting up and leaving as soon as you sit down. This may or may not be deliberate on his behalf, either way, he doesn't like being near you, you are not getting far with this one.

4. He rejected you. You asked him out and he said no. Maybe you just told him you were interested and he politely told you he wasn't, in a way that unfortunately made you think there was a chance. The worst thing you could do here is try and argue why he should like you or demand to know why he doesn't, I mean are you really that full of yourself?

3. You are getting teased. You might not know it or maybe you think that everyone is just being mean, but everyone is commenting about you being that crazy stalker chick that just won't leave him alone. You're a stalker and you should stop.

2. Your friends tactfully or not so tactfully steer you away from him. From the subtle lets go to another bar when he walks in to the look he's just not into you, get your shit together would you.

1. Look in the mirror. This sounds harsh, but look at the girls he does talk to, and compare yourself to them, be honest, It hurts but it may just be the only way you're going to get it. If need be stick your photo next to theirs. I'm not staying we don't have a chance with someone out of our league but it's important to remember those chances are very very very slim indeed.

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